Our Culture & The Eugenic Mindset
We need to expose and counter the eugenic mindset that abortion is the answer to imperfection in our unborn children. We need to build a culture of life that supports expecting couples and motivates them to carry pregnancies to term, even if the child faces a difficult disability or a too-short lifespan.
Beyond 'My Body, My Choice': The Limits of Self-Ownership
True freedom is not the right to self-destruction or exploitation, but the pursuit of a life guided by dignity and reason. The belief that we can do anything with our bodies, without considering the consequences, is a dangerous fallacy that must be challenged.
On Mass Deportations and Pope Francis' Letter
"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s." In an ideal system, earthly law would reflect the principles of divine law, as human-made rules should be a manifestation of reason and truth—that is, of God. However, reality presents us with a constant tension between these two orders.