UN This Week: Nov 27-30
UN Bodies and Agencies
The World Health Organization (WHO) has launched a new app to help healthcare providers offer better abortion “support” to pregnant women. The app “takes the individual characteristics of patients and generates patient-specific assessments or recommendations, which can then be given to healthcare providers to consider.”
In pro-life language, the app will help medical professionals assist in the killing of unborn babies and remotely support women performing abortions from home.
The video ad for this app is quite troubling, as well, as it frames abortion access as a precondition to a successful life.
In response, we would like to highlight a quote from the pro-life activist and commentator, Lila Rose:
”Abortion doesn’t make a woman richer, more successful, in a better relationship, healthier, or more educated. Abortion makes her the mother of a dead child — a child she agreed to kill”
The video also shares the following:
“You [as a healthcare worker] have an opportunity to empower people to make informed decisions about when and if they want children…but in this role you may face disapproval or discrimination from colleagues, friends and others in your community. Remember you have the right to respect and support as you carry out your essential work”
Pro-life advocates would respond by saying that making an “informed decision” about whether one wants a child or not should happen before the child has been brought into existence in the womb. To add, the murder of babies in the womb is not essential work that deserves protection.
A different section of the video talks about how important it is to empower clients to understand their “abortion options”. To showcase that, they show a guy trying to make up his mind whether he wants dumplings for his meal 🥟🤔.
Did we get it right- is choosing the best option to kill a baby in the womb analogous to choosing your preferred choice of dumplings? 🥴
On a different note, The Human Rights Council hosted a forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva.
The scope of the event was to share best practices for businesses to be more gender inclusive while understanding gender as a fluid and non-binary concept. Panelists said that businesses need to integrate training and policy reviews for inclusion and diversity, as well as quota “exploration.”
While many religious and conservative people believe that everyone has inherent human dignity, many ideas pushed by the gender ideology movement such as that gender is fluid and that men can become women and vice versa, go against their deep religious and moral beliefs. Yet, this forum made it clear that the progressive left is now trying to dictate this worldview at the business level and that everyone who wants to do business should abide by it.
As it is already happening, this push will most certainly result in discrimination against socially conservative employees who might be fired or face “reeducation trainings” for referring to someone using pronouns that correspond to their biological sex or simply sharing their support for a traditional understanding of marriage as between a man and a woman.
Image: OHCHR
The panel urged businesses to ask that all their employees and business partners share their gender identity values.
See some direct quotes from the event:
“[As a business you need to] conduct training and education among allies within your company so that we can really change the group think..to…speak on behalf of others who are being marginalized and victimized; All people should be free to speak up on behalf of others”
“Need to look at gender perspective in a cross-cutting, non-binary manner;”
Thought-Provoking Posts
Instagram flagged several posts made by Students for Life of America for “depicting violence.” Well- at least we agree abortion is violent!
C-Fam Friday Fax
Traditional Countries Outfox Western Powers on Gender Ideology, Stefano Gennarini reports.
Lisa Correnti shared a story on Developing Countries’ Revolt Against EU Gender Agenda in New Trade Agreement
Other News
We would like to highlight some great pro-life work shared by the Campaign Life Coalition, an organization that pushed for legal and cultural change in Canada with respect to protecting human life and the family.
Amnesty International shared a report, “An unstoppable movement: A global call to recognize and protect those who defend the right to abortion” and dedicated a section to “strategies of anti-abortion actors.” See an excerpt from the report below:
“Some political, religious and community leaders and social influencers circulate toxic narratives opposing gender equality and portraying advances in women’s and LGBTI people’s rights as threats to ‘traditional’ values or religious identity. For example, the concept of ‘gender ideology’ (a patriarchal, homophobic and transphobic conspiracy theory originated within the Catholic Church and now widely used by many others)”