UN Monitor Feb 26-29

IYc Director on EWTN

Daniela García, IYc Director, joined EWTN, a global Catholic television program, to talk about IYc, and to applaud young people who dare to stand up for life and family despite an increasingly hostile social environment for conservatives.

García said that young people are particularly susceptible to the lies spread by progressive globalist groups, including UN agencies. These lies come in the form of “human rights promotion” and “acceptance” while in reality, they hurt people, and young people, especially. Among other topics, García talked about the obsessive push towards affirming gender dysphoria.

García also talked about the threat of social media influencers, many of which, paid for by powerful groups, promote harmful ideas such as the promotion of complete sexual liberalization and affirming any sexual ideologies.

For those who understand Spanish, you can watch the full interview below📺

PEPFAR, Population Control, and the Catholic Church

The Population Research Institute sent a media alert about an upcoming press conference where it will discuss a report exposing how several development aid projects in Africa used local Catholic Bishops and their churches for programming while misleading them about the true nature of the work.

IYc will attend the March 6th press conference and will report on the details of the report.

WHO and Population Control

In its newly published book, “70 Years of Population Policy” History of the Human Reproduction Program of the World Health Organization 1950-2020, the European Centre for Law and Justice, tracks the relationship between the WHO and the Human Reproduction Programme. Below you can find some highlights, as reported by CatholicVote:

  • “HRP was sponsored by WHO following the publication of American biologist Paul R. Ehrlich’s 1968 best seller, The Population Bomb—which claimed that world population growth would lead to famine by the 1970s and 80s. The book further asserted that if population growth was not drastically limited, hundreds of millions of people would die, and humanity would likely collapse in a thermonuclear war.”

  • “‘For over 5 decades,’ the release stated, ‘the HRP has taken action to develop abortifacients and contraceptives widely used today,’ and has solidified their place in society ‘by disseminating a discourse based on human rights to make them accepted and commonplace.’”

  • ““The UN has been committed to a strategy of population control since the 1950s,” ECLJ stated in the conclusion of its synthetic report of the book. “This stemmed from the fear that population growth would be detrimental to the economic development of mankind.”

Iulia Cazan

Iulia is the Associate Director of Government Relations at C-Fam where she follows UN meetings, reports on UN developments, and assists the team with UN policy research.


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