Kamala Harris’ Pro-Abortion Crusade

Now that President Joe Biden announced that he will no longer be running for re-election, his vice-president Kamala Harris is hoping to succeed him. The decision has proven to be quite divisive even among Democrats. So far, former president Barack Obama and former senator Bernie Sanders have not endorsed her. If Harris were to become the next President of the United States, she would easily be the most secular progressive president in the history of the country.

A key focus of Harris’ campaign is sexual and reproductive health, specifically abortion. Throughout her political career, Harris has been a strong supporter of abortion, even more so than Biden. Last May, she stated in a monologue that the Supreme Court “took a constitutional right that had been recognized from the women of America,”  leading women to believe their important right needs to be taken back. She also proceeded to claim that abortion is somehow defended by the nation’s founding documents.  There is no evidence in the Declaration of Independence to support her claim. In fact, the document emphasizes that the nation guarantees the protection of one’s inalienable rights to “LIFE, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” 

Virtually every time Harris is interviewed, she talks about abortion rights and weaves the  topic into unrelated conversations. Even while I was doing research for this article, I was inundated with her campaign advertisements that spoke about how necessary abortion is. In her speeches, she often uses scare tactics, by saying that if former president Trump gets reelected, he, “would ban abortion nationwide.”  While many pro-lifers wish that Harris’ claim were true, it is not. On the contrary, Trump has stated numerous times that he just wanted to bring the issue of abortion back to the states. 

While the pro-abortion argument always disregards human life, it has become ever more radicalized, with the Harris campaign being a clear example of this. The current democratic party’s push for abortion on demand is a far cry from former president Bill Clinton’s 1992 statement that [abortion] ought to be, “safe, legal, and rare.”  These days, unborn babies are often viewed as parasites that can be discarded like garbage. Babies and small children are often despised by secular progressives, feminists and others.  In my opinion, this ideology shows how anti-human the pro-abortion movement really is.


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